Monday 2 September 2024 at QUEENS skate dine bowl

Monday 2 September 2024 at QUEENS skate dine bowl
Photograph courtesy of Katherine, an unaffiliated skater at QUEENS skate dine bowl. Share your own evidence with us!

The condition of the rink today is unfortunately still a depressing scene.

Some skaters stated that too much water was used when the staff operated the Olympia Resurfacing Machine / Zamboni. It appears that, from the photos, the ice is covered in a pretty thick layer of water, which presents a slip hazard.

A kind reader of, Katherine, shared the photographs for today's update, and said (paraphrased as requested):

Today, I tried skating at the Queens ice rink because my usual spot was closed for maintenance. Despite reading a Reddit post about how poorly maintained the rink was, I decided to give it a shot since it was the only place open after work.

I was shocked by the condition of the rink—it was almost entirely flooded. I tried doing some snowplough stops to build confidence, but I could feel the concrete under my skates instead of gliding on the ice. When I checked my blades afterward, there was hardly any snow on them, which was a bad sign.

I also attempted a two-foot spin, but there was so little ice that my toe pick had nothing to grip. After just 10 minutes, I decided to leave because I didn't want to risk damaging my blades or hurting myself.

This was definitely my first and last time at that rink. I even looked up the Reddit post to share it and raise awareness, but it seems like a lost cause.
Photograph courtesy of Katherine, an unaffiliated skater at QUEENS skate dine bowl. Share your own evidence with us!
Photograph courtesy of Katherine, an unaffiliated skater at QUEENS skate dine bowl. Share your own evidence with us!
Help us out!
If you have evidence of QUEENS skate dine bowl's rink conditions (good or bad), please share them with us!