Monday 5 August 2024 at QUEENS skate dine bowl

Monday 5 August 2024 at QUEENS skate dine bowl
A figure skater's blade disappearing into the soft ice - trip hazard.

The ice continues to be softer than expected and in considerably worse condition than other ice rinks. Slipping hazard is still very much heightened due to the layer of water above the ice.

The entrance to the ice had a large hole which presents a trip hazard for those getting on and off the ice.
A mixture of soft ice, a layer of water, and a mysterious footprint from the concrete below (an assumption).
The ice had a noticeable "bump" (raised up) - slip hazard.Additionally, inconsistency in ice quality: strange bubbles in ice texture. Not so much an issue but very unusual.
The coned off area of the ice is showing signs of improvement but there was a large pile of slush. The coned off area seems to be bigger than the day prior.
Most of the rink was covered in a slippery layer of water which prevented full enjoyment of patrons' sessions - experienced skaters were put off from trying more complex moves (such as spins or jumps) due to the slip hazard.