Thursday 8 August 2024 at QUEENS skate dine bowl

Thursday 8 August 2024 at QUEENS skate dine bowl
Photograph courtesy of an unaffiliated ice rink patron.

The rink condition has significantly worsened following use of the Olympia Resurfacing Machine / Zamboni. It appears that an inadequate training regime has resulted in the ice becoming thinner than Wednesday 7 August 2024, and considerably more wet.

The thick layer of water above the ice presents a significant slip hazard and a total kill-joy when a skater falls on the ice. It also puts more advanced skaters off trying more complex tricks due to the fear of getting soaked.

QUEENS skate dine bowl need to considerably level up their training efforts regarding the Olympia Resurfacing Machine / Zamboni.

QUEENS skate dine bowl closed at 9PM due to the terrible ice conditions. Several members are thus unable to skate.

The ice begun its day (reportedly late) dry and snowy.Photograph courtesy of an unaffiliated ice rink patron.
The cones reportedly caused a skater to fall over.Photograph courtesy of an unaffiliated ice rink patron.
The portion of the ice which previously showed signs of recovery after much concrete was visible has worsened.Photograph courtesy of an unaffiliated ice rink patron.
Photograph courtesy of an unaffiliated ice rink patron.
Photograph courtesy of an unaffiliated ice rink patron.
Photograph courtesy of an unaffiliated ice rink patron.
Photograph courtesy of an unaffiliated ice rink patron.
The conditions of the ice approximately an hour after the rink closed for the evening.